
This week has been a treadmill of grief. I literally lost two people this week. They both were unexpected and sent me into a spiral of tears, questions, and sorrow.

Today I cried so much and so often that I didn’t think I could stop. I am thankful for my friends who called to console me. Their words helped ease the pain even if it was only momentarily.

Grief feels like a neverending debt we pay for loving others. My friend said that the only way to avoid grief is to isolate yourself and be absent of love. At this moment, In this space, 1I could absolutely see myself doing that.

But, today I did three things that made my heart smile through my pain. I did something for me. I mentored an automotive colleague and I taught at youth ministries.

I am going to continue to love up on me more, help and teach others. Today I lit one up for WJJ💜💛💜💛


Reason, season, lifetime


Grief...3 months in