Speed of light

Grief sneaks up on you so quickly. Today was what I would describe as a terrific Tuesday. Work was productive mixed with a few laughs. I had a nice dinner with my aunt. I spoke to my friends about the latest Hollywood gossip and scandals.

Driving home from my aunt’s, I saw the most beautifully, full, and magnificent moon 🌕. I pulled over several times to try to capture a picture. I finally got a clear picture of it and smiled to myself.

I got in the house and got ready for bed and looked at the picture. Tears immediately fell down my eyes.

The moon was always a talking, cleansing, spiritual point for my baby cousin and I. She would try to teach me what each moon phase meant and what it meant to my life and journey. She was such a celestial being. She was working on her healing as I was accepting that I needed to heal. We had such a big cousin, little cousin maybe should have been sister, bond. We openly spoke about everything. We seldom saw each other face to face, but we talked every night. She blessed my daughter and made her feel whole.

I feel weird without her. Like I am lost without her extending the olive branch letting me know it is okay to be different.

But as soon as I saw that beautiful moon that was captured on my phone, I knew that she was here with me reassuring me. I pray to the 🌕 to give me her strength and wisdom.

I lost my cousin too soon. I lost my husband too soon. Life goes by too fast. Grief sneaks up on you at the speed of light.

Grief suffocates me every time I try to come up for air 🥺


Saturday sadness


Who I show up as