Sometimes my mind tells me to just swing 👊🏾
I am sometimes so filled with rage and trying to suppress it.
Every day is a fight to keep my strength and spirits up for everyone. Most days I am just fighting to keep these tears back.
Shit isn't fair. The latest book I read says it's because I am comparing what I expected to what actually is and it creates these feelings...
I am so fucking mad that MY husband is sick. I am so mad that the life we planned to spend together has been put on hold.
I miss the trips together. I miss the rides together. I miss him being healthy. And it makes me angry...and when I am fighting to keep it together and someone or something disrupts that mental fight, I lose my battle to stay calm. And I wanna swing on someone. Please leave people alone, some internal battles are all that they can handle...and you might not be prepared for their rage