Seek the Light🧘🏾‍♀️

One thing about me, I strive to stay positive. When I am not in a good space, I keep to myself.

Everyone is going through something. Everyone. If I am around you, I am going to do one of two things 1) make you smile or 2) make you laugh. People are burdened with too much in life for me to be another source of negativity. Imma spread love.

There are days that all hell has broken loose in Thompsonville…most days are like that than not. If you see me I might tell you what happened but turn it into the comedy of life that it is. Even if I had a full melt down and fit when I was going through it. If I share my story with someone, clearly I made it through AND that’s amazing enough. So when I tell you how I had an awful low down dirty day with this dialysis machine, you will laugh about it because sh*t I survived! 😂

I don’t know about you, but I hate to be around negativity. I always try to make light of the situation by putting a positive or funny spin on things. I hope to encourage others to see life isn’t that bad and it could be worse…most of the time when I hear people’s stories I say a little prayer and offer some encouragement.

I always seek the light in people or seek to be around positive people. Or I try to be that positive person for someone else.

Again, we all have a struggle, it’s how we deal with it. For me, I seek the light, the positivity, the laughter, the joy…I choose to be happy 🥰

And I wish happiness upon you😘


While I was falling apart


Summer Solstice