Superwoman…no more

One of my favorite songs is by Sia - Helium “Yeah, I wanted to play tough, thought I could do all this on my own”

I am tired. I have been living by and believing that pushing myself to do and be more was required for me to be great. I played into the Superwoman idea that I heard in a childhood TV ad…”I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan…”

I’m over all of it. I need a break from being strong and getting things done. My life has been a nonstop, fast paced, rat race for at least ten years now. Previously, I would say that I was bored and unchallenged. Someone please lead me back to those days. My lack of sleep and routine has me on a path of motivating myself through rough spots while my mind and body are at maximum capacity; where exhaustion is usually the trigger to fall asleep.

I am calling on the Universe to help me through this stage of my journey. I know that where I am now is not where I will always be…but the days run into nights these days. I pray my husband’s health improves and that I find the strength to continue to help him through his struggles.


I am growing and learning my limits in this period

I am learning to listen to my body and rest when it is needed

It is okay that I am setting boundaries

I have gone through harder times with this. This is just another chapter in my story.

I am a fighter, I have the strength to continue to take care of myself and my husband

The reward I will receive for my efforts will be infinitely abundant

I am hopeful


Sunshine…feeling fine

