Just Keep Going

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Stay focused

Life will throw curve balls.

You will fail at something.

The key is to remain focused and stead fast on your goal, your vision.

That's why having very clear vision and goals written down are important!

Life will distract you. There will be fires that you need to put out right away. There will be emergencies and unforeseen events that derail you.

Having your ultimate purpose written down as a reminder refocuses you after the storms have calmed. They keep you in track.

I was asked what advice would I give a 18-30 year old.

I would say, know your goal, write it down, and keep moving towards it. Some us reach our goals quickly, some of us get off track because Life happens, but it's your race. Run it at your pace. As long as you reach it, you are doing well. Be kind, gentle, and forgiving of yourself. We are all doing our best 💝