Passing Phases

Just like the moon, we go through phases. Some days I am full of light and love. Some days I am cold and dark. However, I know that each phase will pass. I have learned to take the good with the bad and accept that which I cannot change. This all sounds cliché but it is true. I have exceptionally great days that I thank God, the stars, the sun and the moon for. Other days, I cry myself to sleep. Each day, I get up and fight it out.

Life is what you make it. When I am having a down day, I make sure to uplift someone else. If I cannot be happy at least I have the joy of making someone else happy. My calling is to help others. And dammit that’s what I do when I am in my dark phase. When I am in my love and light phase, my laughter is nonstop. Actually, I laugh through all phases. I’m the girl making jokes when I am in hot water. I remember my friends huddled up crying that I’d messed something up…I came in cracking jokes and talking mess through my tears.

No matter what mood or phase of life I am in, the moon still captures my attention. I am always in awe of it’s perfect beauty. Cloudy or bright, full or partial, the moon always reminds me that it’s okay to stand alone or to fade in and out, but each day presents another opportunity to shine bright.


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