
I am learning to unlearn bad habits and misguided beliefs. I’ve lived by the learned idea of “hope for the best, expect the worst, and nothing in between will shock you” from Maya Angelou.

It is a terrible philosophy. It steals your joy. Brenè Brown termed it as “foreboding joy". I started putting an asterisk everywhere that I should have been just enjoying the moment. I was always waiting for the ball to drop.

It’s a terrible way to spend life. Worrying, fearful, dreading that something bad is hidden behind your happiness.

One thing dealing with my husband’s illness has taught me is to enjoy the moments! It has me appreciating the fact that we only have a limited amount of time and to spend those moments happy.

I am still learning and certainly unlearning a lot about life. I've learned to be selective with my energy and notice and remove the people that disturb it. Life is way too short to be forcing bad relationships that drain me.

If you are in my circle just know you bring me joy 💜


Never Easy


Still…but not “still”