Just Keep Going

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I’m still smiling :)

I started my new job two days ago. The night before I started, my husband woke up extremely sick and unable to see. I had to call the ambulance to help carry him out the house onto the stretcher. I sat on my porch with rain drizzling on my freshly pressed hair and watched the EMT check his vitals. It was 4 am when they pulled off. It was an hour before I laid down to get a little sleep before I started my new job…I slept through the alarm, but I jumped up just before 7 am and rushed my way through my morning routine. I was about 15 minutes late for work on my first day. No coffee, hair a fuzzy mess, tired, and worried. But I made it through my day with a few laughs and lots of smiles…life is rough, but it’s only bad it you let it get to you. Keep smiling, keep laughing…and most of all keep going ~ Tameka