
We are as water; ever flowing, ever moving. Water moves at all times. A river flows from high points to lower ones to eventually end up into a larger body of water.

Water can flow in many directions. If uninterrupted, water will make a smooth transition from upper streams moving down to the large rivers and oceans. If interrupted gravity and force will help move the water through and around obstacles until it reaches it’s final destination of the bigger rivers and oceans. When water stops flowing it gets stuck in a pool. Eventually if the pool of water doesn’t connect to the larger body of water, it will dry up.

High velocity, fast moving water movement can carve out rocks and create beautiful canyons and gorges.

Water can create power, electricity, fuel, and wreak havoc on anything and anyone that gets in its way. Water can quench your thirst or drown you. Water is beautiful and frightening. Water is the greatest dichotomy of all.

Be as water. Be focused on reaching the bigger picture. Be so focused that any and everything that gets in your way is moved. Don’t get stuck in the first pool or small body of water until all of your gifts and talents are dried up. Forever seek something grander. Run over and obliterate anything that gets in the way of your reaching it!

You are powerful, strong, beautiful, and transformative. You are the personification of water



