Just Keep Going

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Creativity + Spirituality + Passion + Gift = Purpose

I woke up this morning feeling inspired. There are so many things that I start then stop. I have a flurry of thoughts and ideas racing through my head. It always happens when I am not distracting myself with things that are outside of my passion.

People often talk about their passion. Passion is defined as an intense feeling towards something. In a word, it’s what you love.

Doing what I love gets my creative juices flowing. Spirituality, to me, is being in touch with the things that inspire you. Helping others inspires me. It gives me great joy and pleasure to watch others discover themselves, their passions, their gifts, and move towards them.

Which is how I define my purpose: To Help Others. It inspires me. I am good at it. It is my gift. I am blessed.

What is your purpose? What do you love, what triggers your creativity, what inspires you, what are you passionate about?

Pursue those things. This is your purpose.

The ultimate goal is to live your life in a manner that your purpose funds your lifestyle. Then you will never feel like you are working, only as if you are working within your purpose/passion.

Love y’all ~ TT