Counting My Blessings

Are you happy with your life?

Do you choose to concentrate on the goodness that happens in your life?

Do you spend your time making the most of the life you were given?

Last week I was in such a funk with the loss of my cousin and the memories of DT’s death. I took the time to recall how blessed and fortunate I am to have had and loved such genuinely beautiful beings.

My cousin lived in her truth. She was controversial and crazy and fun 😊 She would ruffle feathers, turn heads, shock you, and have in in tears of laughter, all in one setting. Her energy good or bad, was contagious. There was no subject she was afraid to speak about. She was a rare Gem.

It reminded me that so was Darryl and that what he and I shared was rare. He was my best friend. We laughed, argued, made up, and loved on each other through it all.

I am blessed because I have experienced love from such beautiful people. This warms my heart and brings a smile to my face, even through my tears.

I am happy to have loved and been loved. I honor and thank them both for being a blessing in my life.




Grief and Growth