The other side of marriage

Marriage was never a goal of mine. I wanted to be Oprah Winfrey. Oprah isn’t married and she’s amazing…but 25 years ago I met my DT. We were literally best friends. We hung out, partied, and traveled together. When he asked me to marry him I was absolutely caught off guard. Then as we were planning our wedding another surprise came our way - I was pregnant! We ditched the big wedding plans and went to Vegas😂 we were cool like that. We just wanted to be together and have fun. That's the magic of marrying your best friend, you are both on the same page. He has always been my biggest support and I have always been his number one fan.

Nowadays our bond is different. The roles are reversed. I am now his protector and provider. We are having the tough conversations. I’ve spent nights sleeping in chairs at hospitals. We’ve held hands when hearing hard medical prognosis. We’ve buried parents, nurtured children, tackled financial hurdles, dealt with our insecurities and had conversations about our deaths.

That’s the side of marriage people don’t talk about. The tough days. The days where you just want to run away and escape reality. Life isn’t easy. Neither is marriage. Having a strong bond with the right person is a blessing. I am not saying it will be easy, but with the right person there will be way more good days than bad. I hope you find love💜


Do tear ducts dry up?

