Energy In, Energy Out

2018/2019...I really used to rather be a work than at home. I used to be scared my husband was dying or going to die when I was there. I worked in full tension. Only my close work family knew how sick he was. I was a mess, but I carried on as if nothing was wrong. 2019 I advocated and they finally diagnosed him (after YEARS - going back until at least 2011).

I had opportunities to be closer to home, closer to him. I was still operating in my own toxicity of avoidant behavior. I cried a lot, but pushed my shoulders back and forged on. My hard headed tail was afraid to face his illness. I really said "my husband is dying" for years.

Now looking back 4 years later, I see that my mindset, thoughts, and negativity, created most of the anxiety and tension I felt. My words created the trauma I endured. My husband wasn't dying any quicker than I was. My husband was sick and his illness was untreated. Words matter. The story you tell yourself matters. Use positive words even in bad situations. Think positively. Feed yourself goodness and watch it come back to you 🌱


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