
Boundaries...I never established boundaries. My assumption is people should treat you how they want to be treated. Due to this assumption, a WHOLE lot of people caught the wrath of Miz Meka and got cursed way the hell out.

My husband would always laugh and say he never had those problems.

That's because he had and established boundaries. From the jump start of any relationship, friendship, or aquantaince.

I remember clearly our first date. He asked me what I wanted to eat. I told him and he told me VERY CLEARLY that " I could order whatever I wanted, just don't eat off of his plate"...and I never did, I still don't unless he ticks me off and I want to make him mad.

But early on he established his boundaries.

I never have. I think this is the worst disservice you can do to you or your friends. Without establishing your boundaries people will cross them without knowing or understanding that they are important to you.

Typically, when someone would cross a boundary I'd let them have it in the worst way. I have learned to say "that bothered me, hurt my feelings...or other such emotions"

Those statements make me feel vulnerable but also liberated. I am living and expressing my truth while slowly establishing my boundaries.

This is very foreign to me as growing up we were taught to do what we were told inspite of how we felt. I am learning that, to me, if not to anyone else, my feelings matter, and I don't have to endure feeling uncomfortable for anyone.

Establish your boundaries. Free yourself


Beautiful, colorful bonnet


Never Easy