Just Keep Going

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Ripping and Running

Since Darryl's passing, I’ve pretty much filled my calendar with things to do. I am seldom just sitting at home resting and relaxing. As my elders say, I’ve been doing a lot of ripping and running. They really aren’t pleased with me doing so much.

Welp today, after several weeks of coughing and feeling less than okay, I went BACK to the doctor. On top of already being diagnosed with bronchitis, I found out I have pneumonia. 🤒😷

Two months ago, my friend told me to be still…I haven’t been. I think I’m scared to. One thing about life though, the Universe will make you do what needs to be done! I’m going to be still for a few…

I’m giving myself until Thursday night to get this mess together. I have stuff to do 😂