Just Keep Going

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What means the world to you?

The topic of the week has been Will & Jada. I am not going to debate right or wrong. I will say that through my marriage we've had some trying times. We have both been imperfect and flawed.

The beautiful thing is we dealt with it, chose to fight for us and moved on, privately. There has never been name calling, humiliation, belittlement, cruelty, or outright disrespect to one another.

I am a hot head, quick to respond with a smart mouth and slick tongue sometimes. He is a straight forward, it is what it is, I said what I said kind of guy. We speak to each other so that we are able to HEAR one another.

There are disagreements of course, be we resolve to disagree and still love on each other through our differences.

Our home is our safe haven from the cruelties and injustices of the world. He can do and say what’s on his mind and I can do the same. Sometimes I just resolve that he is crazy, I’m sure he feels the same about me😂

BUT the respect we exhibit for each other is paramount. The wall we create that protects us from the elements of the outside world is impenetrable. These four walls hold our peace. Nothing and no one from outside of these walls can break our bond.

There have been situations that my hot head has put us in that impacted my entire family. He comforted me and ensured me we would fix it together. Even when I do the opposite of what he tells me, he fusses a little then helps me navigate through the messes I create. This makes me want to protect him as much as he protects me.

I trust that he is working for our best interests, so I try to make sure my actions are towards the same goal. We work together to ensure we have peace.

Tonight as I was leaving my visit with him at the rehabilitation facility, he stopped me and said that he knows he chose the right wife and he is proud that we’ve made it this far…and that means the world to me 💜