Just Keep Going

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Honesty & Happiness

Happiness requires complete honesty with yourself, about yourself.

Your likes and dislikes

What makes you fabulous. What makes you flawed.  

What makes you shine. What are your triggers.

You have to be open to the idea that you are not perfect, but also kind enough to yourself to know that you don’t have to be.

You have to acknowledge your past transgressions and forgive yourself for your past without developing a defeatist attitude.

You have to recognize that your experiences made you the person that you have become and that you are still growing and learning to be a better person.

You have to reevaluate the people that are around you and influence you. You have to understand their impact on your decisions, mood, and attitude. You have to let some people go to grow.

Happiness takes an immense amount of self-love, self-acceptance, self-preservation, and self-awareness.

Happiness takes total and complete Honesty with yourself.

Honesty is liberating. No one can shame you about who you are or what you’ve done when you are honest with yourself.

No one knows you better than you.

Love yourself.

Forgive yourself.

Be happy with yourself.  

I pray that you are happy.