Just Keep Going

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Reflection / Perspective

sitting in the waiting room while DT has surgery

When I think back to who I used to be I reflect on how much I've changed.

The things that used to mean so much to me have little significance now.

I am overly conscious of how important health is. I workout HARD 3 to 4 days a week. I want to cry and quit at almost every workout session. Then I think about DT’s fight for his health and I push through. I wish I would have started my workout journey decades ago.

I work around my personal life and not around my job. This is huge for me. My job and career meant the world to me. I was a perfectionist and harsh critic of myself. But I make car parts. There is very little probability that someone will die if I don't get my job done immediately. I say and MEAN "this isn't that important, no one is about to die"...so I allow myself to relax at work. The stress (I really didn't stress a lot because I curse) but even the cursing is almost completely gone from my work day. This is big growth for me.😂

Lastly, I reflect on this amazing entrepreneurial journey I am on. I used to always talk about it, but never seriously even tried. I got payments from 3 additional sources of income this month...and I am now on an e-commerce website. 2 years ago, it was not even on my mind.

Life is crazy that way. It will turn you around and upside down. It will put you on an unfamiliar path that paralyzes you with fear. However, if you just keep going, the rewards will be more than you could have ever imagined...I am shooting for the stars 🌟

How about you?