Just Keep Going

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What did you get for Christmas?

It is almost time to return to work. Just like a kid returning to school, people always ask “what did you get for Christmas?”

This Christmas was one of the best ever! I was able to get so much by giving. In the past, I’ve adopted families and given with friends. I’ve even given Christmas meals and gifts to families. This year, I wanted to do something different. I’d hoped to adopt some of the elders at nursing homes or shelters. It wasn't as easy or welcomed a process as I hoped. I expressed my disappointment to a friend and they recommended I give to a group of women that would not see their friends or family for the holiday.

When I tell you those little gift bags brought such a smile to the ladies faces. I got hugs from strangers, I got genuine appreciation and thankfulness. I got to bless 14 beautiful ladies and show them that someone cares.

What a wonderful position it is to be able to bring a smile to someone else’s face.

Be a blessing 💜